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Monday, March 12, 2012

The Truth about Nature

I have had several connections to nature, mostly when i was very young. When I lived in Wheeling, IL there were baby birds on the ground and we could not find a nest nearby. My mom raised the birds in our house for a while so other animals could not eat them. I thought the little birds were really cool. After time the birds began to jump around a lot in the house. My mom then fastened a basket to a high branch in our tree. The birds would actually sleep in the basket and hangout in the tree. And my mom every now and then would come by and feed the birds.  We actually fed the bids dog food soaked in milk. The birds really had a connection to my mom. As the birds greww older they didn't hang around the basket that often and started to sleep somewhere else. The coolest thing was that the birds would come back to the tree for their meal. They would eat it out of my mom's hand. My mom always has an amazing way with animals. Another animal experiance for happened last summer. I was biking and saw a rabbit in the ally just sitting there. I came up to it and it tried to hop, but couldn't. I picked the rabbit up and it's left part of the head had a bandaid on it and under the bandaid the head was covered in fly eggs and larva and was all bloody and it had a broken left leg. I'm pretty sure the my neighbors kid shot it with a bb gun. I took the rabbit home took cleaned up the maggots and used hydrogen peroxide to clean the wound. And My mom and I made a cast for the leg. I kept the rabbit in a box and just watched it. After a while it started moving more as if it wasn't stunned anymore. the rabbit jumped high into a window and banged it's head. It was laying on the ground the cast came off and he broke his leg even more a bone was sticking out. The worst part was brain matter was coming out of his head. I took the rabbit outside and held the rabbit and then the rabbit turned stiff. The rabbit i tried really hard to save died in my hands. That experiance made the next three days pretty upsetting. I've always felt like i'm really connected to nature, but mostly animals.

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