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Friday, October 14, 2011

They All Played a Part. Squanto

Without Squanto the pilgrims may not be alive today. Squanto was able to speak english in which he was able to help the Pilgrims. Squanto is most credited for teaching the Pilgrims how to use the land to grow food and catch fish. Squanto had an effective method to grown corn by placing fish into the soil with the seeds, it acted as a very good fertilizer. Now Squanto didn't laern english by choice really, he was forced to in a way. Squanto was part of the Patuxet tribe. Around 1605 to 1610 some white men had came on a trading ship. Squanto spent some time with them, learning their language and helping them deal with other Tribes. They men in return treated him well and even gave him clothes to wear. When the traders were leaving, they invited Squanto tag along with them back to England. After a while Squanto became homesick and wanted to go home. According to some accounts the man he was living with Charles Robbins asked John Smith to take him with him on his voyage. when they got to American Squanto acted as a translater and soon Smith gave him permission to travel home. Squanto was tricked into boarding another ship with some 20 other young indians and was taken to Spain where he was sold into slavery. Around 1619 Squanto made it back to America. Without these events in Squanto's life he would not of been able to the Pilgrims. And who knows there might not of been a United States without Squanto.

1 comment:

  1. Very true! i also blogged about squanto and how he was such a huge help with the pilgrims
