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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Last Blog of the Year

The blogs I did not hate at all. I liked them actually a bit. The blogs I liked were anything I could find a fun picture for. Any blog that had to be somewhat personal and talking about myself I really enjoyed. The ones I did not enjoy were about poems. I have such a hard time understanding poems, I just get really annoyed of them. I put a lot of effort into the topics that I enjoyed and that I could really relate to and reflect upon them. I didn't put much effort into the ones that I had hard time understanding. I learned that it's actually fun doing blogs on things I enjoy. I may just start a daily journal because of the blogs. 

Advice for Miss Wolff

First I'll what I like about the class. I really enjoy the graffiti board, that must be continued. I really really like how my class is really chill, I enjoy reading stories and then we discuss the story with the graffiti board. The part of our class being chill may just be our class, we aren't extremely noisy and rebellious and disrespectful as the regular classes I have passed by and noticed. My advice would be if the honours classes aren't to noisy to try and keep it chill, because it makes the students happier and more willing to share ideas of the stories. Now the regular classes may have some very rude students, but make sure the students don't break you and stand your ground. That's all I can think of right now. Best of luck to Miss Wolff!

The Great Gatsby Playlist

1) "I Wanna Be Loved By You" by Helen Kane. Gatsby just wanted to be loved by Daisy.
2) " Nobody Lied When They Said that I Cried Over You" by Marion Harris. Gatsby became very upset when he found out Daisy had married Tom.
3)  "High Society" by King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band this song would of fit the luxury theme of East Egg.
4) "Happy Days Are Here Again" by Johnny Marvin and The Leonard Joy Orchestra.  This song describes how when Gatsby felt when he had gotten Dasiy back.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mark Twain's Wit

"A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way."
-----Mark Twain

I really like this quote. It's really funny. It means we learn a lot from trying stupid things. And the then we understand why it's so stupid. If someone carried a cat by it's tail they would remember that for life and it will always remind them that cats don't like to bed picked up by their tail. We learn things from past experiences that we would learn from nothing else. So people should try new things and experience that feeling that they couldn't get from  anything else such as sky diving.