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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Romantic Poem Reflection

The poem "Old Ironsides" was one romantic poem I enjoyed. To others it seemed to be just a boat, but with his talent in writing this poem Wendell Holmes was able to convince people that it was more than just a boat. Holmes showed me in a way that it's important to fight for whatever you believe in. Which is one of the most important things to me.

Connection to Nature

Friday, December 2, 2011

What Were You Thinking Edgar?

I find myself falling through this pit. my head still dizzy I see flashes of light all around me i see volcanoes strange structures as I fall. That was the last thing I remember before i woke up here. I don't know where I am. This forest smells of death, the feel of pure evil is everywhere. I stand up and start to recollect my thoughts. I start walking forward with no sense in direction at all, no paths at all. I just start walking. Ahead of me looks as if the forest is blanketed in snow, i begin to walk faster to see this strange sight. I come to the strange sight. This is not snow, it's spider webs, all over the forest floor and going up the trees. There must be billions of spiders here. The small little bugs must of spent forever making a whole city of webs. The sound of strange running came from behind me. I quickly turn around and nothing. I yell who goes there! no response I hear the sound again. I quickly look again nothing. The sound seems to be coming from everywhere. I keep yelling, but no response. I start to run from the way I came. I look behind me and a giant spider comes from the side of a tree and starts to come towards me. I run as fast as i can through this dark forest. Suddenly I hit the ground with my face. I had tripped on the root of a tree protruding out from the ground. I turn to my back and the massive spider stands over me about to devour me. Just then a man comes charging at the spider holding a glowing necklace of some sort. He's screaming back back you foul beast! The spider swings me away  with one of its legs. Now i am dazed and confused, not knowing what is going on the man picks me up and asks if I'm okay. The only thing I say is where am I? He says "you're in Mirkwood." Mirkwood? Where is this I think to myself? Somewhere in England maybe? The man tells me we are in the realm of Dol Guldur. So far from all this mishap I truly say I miss my mommy.

Reflections on The Crucible

The Crucible was a very good story that made me want to think what life was like back then. When the characters were blaming each other one after another it felt like high school or people in general. People always blame each other. The story just felt like chaos in there. One character i did not enjoy was Reverend Parris. Parris was a jerk and such. He was power hungry throughout the whole story. He liked the attention he was getting when people came to him, he felt he was in control. And Parris is greedy Proctor even calls him out for being greedy. Parris really thought he was the greatest thing since sliced bread, but actually sliced bread had not been invented untill 1928.